Telomere Length Measurement for Human Chorionic Villus
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Telomere Length Measurement for Human Chorionic Villus

Telomere length and the composition of the fetal genome at birth may be important for lifelong health. The chorionic villi form important parts of the placenta and the chorionic villi cells contain the same genetic material as the fetus. For this reason, chorionic villus cells can be collected and examined.

Telomere Length Measurement for Human Chorionic Villus

Telomere length of chorionic villi cells is of great importance for fetal studies. However, the utility of measurement depends greatly on validated methods. CD BioSciences can provide validated telomere length measurement methods, which can provide a tool to assess the effect on chorionic villus telomere length and thus study fetal-related issues.

Chorionic Villu Telomere Length Measurements in Aging Studies

The chorionic villi are tiny protrusions of placental tissue that possess the same genetic material as the baby. Chorionic villus is often used as a prenatal test. By testing it can screen for fetal chromosomal abnormalities and certain other genetic problems.

  • We measure the average length of telomeres in chorionic villi samples, which provides a baseline measurement of telomere length that can be compared with subsequent measurements to assess age-related changes.
  • We also identify and quantify senescent cells based on telomere length and other markers associated with cellular senescence, which can be used to study the accumulation of senescent cells with age.

Sample Requirements

We provide telomere length measurement solutions for chorionic villus samples. The specific requirements are as follows. If you need the remaining samples after the test is completed, we will return the samples.

  • Sample type: chorionic villi
  • Sample quantity: 15-30 mg
  • Container: sterile collection tube with integrated genetics provided transport medium
  • Storage: maintain samples at room temperature and do not freeze.
  • If no villi are submitted in the sample or do not meet the test requirements, you may need to resubmit the sample.

Workflow of Chorionic Villu Telomere Length Measurements

We offer telomere length testing services for chorionic villus samples. Before testing, you will need to obtain a tissue sample to submit to us.

  • Sample submission and DNA extraction
    Chorionic villi are villi that germinate from the chorion and provide the greatest area of contact with maternal blood. Samples are usually collected between the 10th and 12th week of pregnancy and tissue samples are obtained primarily by accessing the placenta.
  • Telomere length measurement
    We offer a range of methods for telomere length detection in chorionic villis, such as terminal restriction fragment (TRF), quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques. We can perform comprehensive telomere analysis, including information on relative telomere length, average telomere length, etc.

Our Advantages

  • Our technology overcomes the limitations of traditional telomere testing. Traditional methods of measuring telomeres are often very time-consuming and technically demanding, which makes it difficult to obtain precise information about telomeres. Using our technology platform, researchers can accurately obtain a high level of detailed telomere information in their measurements.
  • We provide researchers with effective development strategies. We can help our clients use telomere length and other information as biomarkers for disease research, diagnostics, and therapy development.

You can request our services by first filling out the inquiry form. If additional telomere-related testing is required, please email or call us for additional sample requests.

From collection and shipping to testing, CD BioSciences provides our clients with convenient and accurate services. If you require telomere length measurement for chorionic villi samples or other samples, please contact us to learn more.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.