Analysis of Mitochondrial Genome Copy Numbers for Aging Research
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Analysis of Mitochondrial Genome Copy Numbers for Aging Research

With aging, the number of mitochondrial genomes changes. Accurate measurement of mitochondrial genome copy number  (mtDNA-CN) requires specialized techniques and expertise. CD BioSciences, a leading company in the field of biological analysis, offers comprehensive services in the analysis of mtDNA-CN, providing our clients with reliable and accurate data.

Overview of Our Mitochondrial Genome Copy Numbers Services

Analysis of mtDNA-CN refers to the quantification and assessment of the number of mitochondrial genomes present in a given biological sample. We provide analysis services in various tissues, including skeletal muscle, brain, liver, and blood cells.

Our traditional mitochondrial genome copy number technique is limited as it only provides relative quantification. We also use digital PCR to "count" the mitochondrial genome can provide absolute quantification and data to be compared from study to study. Nuclear genome counting in parallel as a surrogate for cell number allows for the normalization of cell number.

Guidelines for Sample Preparation

  • Mitochondrial genome copy number determination uses total DNA as input.
  • Standard DNA isolation approaches appropriate to the tissue of interest (Trizol or spin columns) are fine.
  • DNA should be quantified at least by spectrophotometry and ideally by Qubit.
  • Concentrations should be >10 ng/μL and at least 200 ng of total DNA is required.

Our Workflow of Mitochondrial Genome Copy Number Assay

  • Sample collection and processing
    We provide guidelines for proper sample collection and transportation to ensure the integrity of the mitochondrial DNA. Samples can include various biological materials in aging studies such as blood, tissue, cells, or isolated mitochondria.
  • DNA extraction
    We utilize optimized protocols and methodologies to extract high-quality mitochondrial DNA from the collected samples. Our techniques ensure minimal DNA degradation and contamination, leading to accurate and reliable results.
  • Quantification of mitochondrial genome copy number
    CD BioSciences employs state-of-the-art quantitative PCR (qPCR) and digital PCR (dPCR) technologies to precisely quantify the copy number of mitochondrial genomes in the samples. In our dPCR, the reaction is distributed on a chip with 20,000 856-pl wells. The template is diluted to 0 or 1 copy per well. The reaction is then cycled to the endpoint and the fluorescence in each well is read. These techniques allow for sensitive and accurate detection, ensuring high-quality data for further analyses.

Absolute mtDNA quantitation dPCR workflow.Fig. 1 Absolute mtDNA quantitation dPCR workflow.

  • Data analysis and interpretation
    Our team of bioinformatics experts utilizes advanced computational tools and algorithms to analyze the obtained data. We provide comprehensive reports of aging on mtDNA-CN, including the following content.
Data Analysis Services Details
Correlation analysis We calculate the correlation coefficient between mtDNA-CN and age using statistical methods such as Pearson's correlation or Spearman's rank correlation.
Group comparison We compare the mean or median mtDNA-CN between different age groups using t-tests, ANOVA, or non-parametric tests if the data is not normally distributed.
Regression analysis We perform a regression analysis to assess the relationship between mtDNA-CN and age, considering potential confounding factors such as gender, lifestyle, or health status.
Longitudinal analysis If there are repeated measurements from the same individuals over time, we can use longitudinal analysis techniques to examine how mtDNA-CN changes with age within each individual.

CD BioSciences, with its vast experience, cutting-edge technologies, and commitment to quality, offers comprehensive services in this field of mtDNA-CN in the process of aging. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us or make an online inquiry.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.