Aging-Related Genomic Instability Analysis Services
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Aging-Related Genomic Instability Analysis Services

Genomic instability is a leading cause of cellular senescence across several species. Tissues consisting of cells that seldom or never divide have more time to accumulate physical damage. Conversely, cells that divide more frequently are typified by the introduction of genetic mutations during DNA replication, which is inherently fallible.

Fig. 1 Mechanisms contributing to genomic instability and their role during aging.Fig. 1 Mechanisms contributing to genomic instability and their role during aging. (Sidler C, 2016)

As organisms age, genomic instability can cause gene expression to become deregulated, leading to cellular dysfunction, growth cessation, and eventually cell death. CD BioSciences provides clients with both genomic instability measurement services and comprehensive genomic instability analysis for research related to aging.

Our Techniques for Determining Genomic Instability

We measure genomic instability at multiple levels for aging studies. At the largest scale, we can detect chromosomal abnormalities; at the same time, we measure smaller mutations, such as mutations into single letters that change the genetic code. We provide measurement services that are not limited to those listed below.

  • We use karyotyping methods to identify significant genomic irregularities (such as aneuploidy and structural rearrangements) and to observe and evaluate the quantity, dimensions, and configuration of chromosomes in cells.
  • Additionally, we utilize fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to recognize and pinpoint the existence or lack of particular DNA sequences in cells. and evaluation of chromosomal instabilities, such as gene amplifications, deletions, translocations, and aneuploidy.
  • We provide next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies that allow for the thorough evaluation of genomic instability by detecting different DNA alterations, such as single nucleotide variants, insertions/deletions, copy number variations, and structural rearrangements, resulting in a high-resolution analysis of genomic instability throughout the entire genome.

Overview of Our Aging-Related Genomic Instability Analysis Services

CD BioSciences provides a diverse range of genomic instability analysis services for aging, which concentrates on different aspects of DNA damage, mutations, alterations in nuclear architecture, and the role of endogenous cytoplasmic DNA and non-coding DNA.

Analysis of Aging-Related Nuclear DNA Damage

We utilize advanced techniques to assess and quantify various types of DNA damage, including DNA strand breaks and oxidative lesions. We recommend using freshly collected samples for DNA damage analysis to minimize the potential for degradation. By analyzing nuclear DNA damage, our clients can gain insights into the impact of aging on genomic stability and identify potential targets for intervention.

Analysis of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations During Senescence

We offer a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, including point mutations, deletions, and copy number alterations. In addition, we provide an in-depth analysis of the mechanisms of aging-induced mtDNA mutations, including oxidative stress, energy and metabolism, and cellular signaling. Our services enable researchers to understand the contribution of mtDNA mutations to age-related mitochondrial dysfunction and their implications for overall health and longevity.

Analysis of Aging-Related Nuclear Architecture Alterations

We employ state-of-the-art imaging techniques, such as high-resolution microscopy and 3D chromatin organization analysis, to characterize nuclear architecture alterations associated with aging. We can elucidate alterations to the nuclear architecture such as lamina, which give insights into their impact on genomic stability.

Analysis of the Role of Endogenous Cytoplasmic DNA in Aging

We offer specialized analysis services to investigate the role of endogenous cytoplasmic DNA in aging. By studying the quantity, quality, and distribution of cytoplasmic DNA, researchers can uncover its impact on genomic stability and aging processes.

Analysis of the Role of Junk DNA in Aging

We provide a wide range of analysis services to explore the role of junk DNA in aging research. By analyzing junk DNA sequences, regulatory elements, non-coding RNA transcripts, and epigenetic modifications, our clients can gain insights into the complex interplay between junk DNA and the aging process.

CD BioSciences offers a comprehensive range of aging-related genomic instability analysis services. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can assist with your research program.


  1. Sidler C. Genomic Instability and Aging: Causes and Consequences. Genome Stability, 2016, 511-525.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.