DNA Methylation Age Acceleration Analysis Services
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DNA Methylation Age Acceleration Analysis Services

DNA methylation levels are age-dependent and can vary over time. When an individual's DNA methylation age is greater than the actual age, this means that the individual is in an age acceleration state, which may be associated with many aging manifestations, disease development, and even death. CD BioSciences can provide analysis services related to DNA methylation age acceleration to help researchers explore its association with aging performance, aging-related diseases, and mortality.

Introduction of DNA Methylation Age Acceleration

Age acceleration can be defined as the difference between the DNA methylation age and the actual age, or as the residual resulting from regressing the DNA methylation age on the actual age. In comparison, the latter definition is more accurate and practical. We can determine the rate of biological aging based on the specific value of the DNA methylation age acceleration, with positive values indicating faster-than-expected aging and negative values the opposite.

DNA methylation age acceleration is closely related to the health status of the organism, aging-related diseases, mortality, and other factors. On the one hand, several studies have identified DNA methylation age acceleration in age-related diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases. On the other hand, some intrinsic and extrinsic factors contribute to DNA methylation age acceleration in individuals, such as stress, alcohol consumption, smoking, etc.

Our DNA Methylation Age Acceleration Analysis Services

Our service focuses on studies that explore the specific relationship between DNA methylation age acceleration and various age-related realizations.

Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis

Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis

We perform genome-wide DNA methylation analysis, as well as data quality control, on blood samples, tissue samples, cells, and extracted DNA from large study populations. Our approach allows us to identify specific methylation sites that are associated with accelerated aging, providing valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying age-related changes.

Age acceleration calculation

Age acceleration calculation

We calculate the DNA methylation age acceleration by regression model and submit the processed DNA methylation data to obtain the age acceleration values. Our algorithms and computational analyses ensure reliable age acceleration calculations.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis

We apply multiple models to assess the relationship between DNA methylation age acceleration and various aging phenotypes such as health, disease, and death. Our services encompass correlation analyses with aging-related diseases, longitudinal studies, and comparative assessments across different populations.

Our Association Analysis Services of Age Acceleration and Aging Phenotypes

Our services address a wide range of studies, including studies of the association between DNA methylation age acceleration and some aging phenotypes, as well as studies of how various internal and external factors affect DNA methylation age acceleration. Specific services can be viewed by clicking on the links.

CD BioSciences has a comprehensive DNA methylation technology platform to support the technical needs of the aging and related disease research process and to provide you with a high level of professional experience and quality service. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us for any of your related needs.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.