In Vitro Cellular Senescence Model Customization Services
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In Vitro Cellular Senescence Model Customization Services


Cellular senescence is a complex biological process characterized by permanent growth arrest and a distinct senescence-associated phenotype. It plays a crucial role in aging and aging-related diseases. Cellular senescence models are experimental systems in which cells are induced to undergo senescence through various methods. These models enable researchers to investigate the molecular mechanisms, functional changes, and phenotypic characteristics associated with senescence. Customization of this model involves a targeted approach to address key questions and explore innovative strategies in the field of aging research.


CD BioSciences is committed to delivering top-notch, customized services for cellular senescence models according to different cell types and cellular senescence induction methods, empowering our clients to advance their aging research and therapeutic discovery endeavors with precision and scientific excellence. We also specialize in developing cellular senescence models based on our client's specific requirements. Our services possess the flexibility to manipulate variables such as cell types, senescence markers, induction protocols, and experimental endpoints.

Customization Services by Cell Type

At CD BioSciences, we understand that different cell types exhibit unique characteristics and responses to cellular senescence induction stimuli. Our team of experts offers guidance on the advantages and limitations of each cell type to help researchers choose the appropriate model for their specific research goals. We employ a variety of well-established methods to induce cellular senescence, such as replicative exhaustion, genotoxic stress, oxidative stress, and oncogene activation. By customizing the senescence models based on cell type, researchers can gain insights into tissue-specific senescence mechanisms and address the relevance of senescence in various physiological and pathological contexts. We offer customized services of senescence models for a wide range of cell types, including but not limited to the following.

Customization Services by Cellular Senescence Induction Method

CD BioSciences offers expertise in various cellular senescence induction methods to ensure optimal customization of cellular senescence models. Our clients can choose from a variety of cellular senescence induction methods based on the characteristics and relevance of senescence models to their research goals. By tailoring the cellular senescence induction methods, researchers can gain insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying senescence and its impact on aging-related processes.

Additional Services

We also specialize in developing cellular senescence models based on our client's specific requirements. Our services possess the flexibility to manipulate variables such as cell types, senescence markers, induction protocols, and experimental endpoints.

Cellular Senescence Model Validation Services

Cellular Senescence Model Validation Services

We utilize a panel of senescence markers to confirm the senescent phenotype, including senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) staining, p16INK4a expression analysis, and characterization of senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). By employing these reliable markers, we ensure the accuracy and relevance of the senescence models.

Genetic Modification Services in Cellular Senescence Models

Genetic Modification Services in Cellular Senescence Models

We offer the flexibility to incorporate genetic modifications into the cellur senescence models. We utilize advanced gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, to introduce gene knockdown or overexpression. Our customization allows for the investigation of the impact of specific genes on senescence-related processes and the identification of potential therapeutic targets.

Our Service Features

  • Expertise in cellular senescence
  • Diverse cellular senescence induction methods
  • Customization and flexibility
  • Quality control and validation
  • Reliable track records

CD BioSciences offers comprehensive cellular senescence model customization services to facilitate research in the field of aging. By offering a wide range of cell types and cellular senescence induction methods, we ensure that our customers receive customized senescence models that align with their research goals. If you are interested in our services, please feel free to contact us or make an online inquiry.

All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.